Reflections: A monthly mental health lecture series serves as an illuminating platform dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding of mental health and well-being. This series brings together experts, professionals, and enthusiasts to engage in insightful conversations about the intricacies of mental health.

Each lecture offers a unique perspective on topics ranging from psychological well-being and therapeutic interventions to the latest advancements in Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience. By providing a space for open dialogue and knowledge-sharing, Reflections aims to break down the barriers surrounding mental health, contributing to a culture of awareness, empathy and support.


Masterclass: 1

Title: Trauma Focused Aceptance and Commitment Therapy

Speaker: Dr. Vandana Choudhary


Medical & Mental Health Camp

Health Camp
CMO Health Camp (2)
CMO Approval Letter

“Traumashastra” Book Launch


Book release 3