6th International Conference of IMHRC
Mental Healthcare in India: Basics and Beyond
05-06 October 2024
CRE status accredited by Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI)

Scope of Conference:
The Conference aims to explore various aspects of mental healthcare in the Indian context and cover range of topics such as the current state of mental health services in India, challenges faced in delivering effective care, innovative approaches to addressing mental health issues and strategies for promoting mental health and well-being across different sectors of society.
The Conference has got “CRE status” accredited by the Rehabilitation Council of India.
Conference Sub-themes:
Child and Adolescent Mental health
Technology and Mental health
Policies and Advocacy in Mental Healthcare
Gender Psychology
Behavioral Medicine
Forensic, Criminal and Military Psychology
Suicide Risk Assessment and Management
Evidence based Psychotherapies, Research Advancements & Current trends in Mental Healthcare
Disability and Rehabilitation
Trauma Informed & Trauma focused Interventions
Substance Use Disorders and, its Management
Socio-Cultural Determinants of Mental Health
Opportunities and Challenges in Mental Healthcare in India
Educational Psychology
Interdisciplinary Approaches (Special Education, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Yoga, Expressive Art Therapy etc.) in Mental Healthcare in India
Conference Features:
National & International Speakers
Keynote & Invited Lectures from Subject Experts
Plenary Sessions
Research Presentations (Oral/Poster)
Symposium presentation
Best Presentation Awards & Cash Prizes
Book of Abstract & Conference Proceeding
Full Paper Publication in Scopus indexed Journal, Edited Book with ISBN & Peer Reviewed Journal
Conference Mode:
Day 1
Date: 05 October 2024
Mode: Hybrid Mode (Physical & Online)
Participation in Physical mode is mandatory for CRE points as per RCI guidelines.
Day 2
Date: 06 October 2024
Mode: Hybrid Mode (Physical & Online)
Participation in Physical mode is mandatory for CRE points as per RCI guidelines.
About the Organisers:
Indian Mental Health & Research Centre
The Indian Mental Health and Research Centre (unit of IPYF, registered under Indian Trusts Act, 1882 and Divyangjan Sashaktikaran Vibhag, Uttar Pradesh under RPwD Act 2016) is a pioneer institution dedicated to advancing the unders-tanding and treatment of mental health issues in India. Founded in 2015, with a commitment to addressing the mental health challenges faced by the country’s diverse population, the center serves as a hub for comprehensive research, education, and clinical services. By fostering collaboration between experts, conducting cutting-edge research, and offering evidence-based interventions, the center plays a crucial role in shaping the future of mental health care in India.
IMHRC is member of MHIN-World Health Organisation and Academic Partner of Sikkim Skill University and offers highly specialised P.G. Diploma Psycho Oncology, P.G. Diploma Clinical Neuropsychology, P.G. Diploma Child & Adolescent Psychology & Ph.D in Clinical Psychology, Psychology and other streams.
IMHRC also publishes Journal of Advance Research in Science and Social Science (JARSSC), a peer reviewed, indexed, multidisciplinary international journal.
Shia P. G. College Lucknow
Shia P.G. College, Lucknow is a 100 year old associated college of University of Lucknow with NAAC ‘A’ accreditation. Shia College started as a school in 1919 and rose to the status of an intermediate college in 1922, teaching subjects in Humanities and Social Sciences.
Established with lofty ideals, Shia College has grown from a School to a Post Graduate College within nine decades enrolling about 10,000 students per academic session with nearly 200 teachers and almost the same number of non-teaching staff. The infrastructure of the Teaching Faculties of the College consists of Post-Graduate classes in Science, Commerce and Arts, U.G. classes in the Faculties of Science, Arts, Law and Commerce, an Arabic College imparting Moral Education, Advanced Theology, Theological Research and an Intermediate College with teaching facilities in Arts, Science and Commerce.
There are five units of National Service Scheme (N.S.S.) working effectively and efficiently in the College. The Scheme was launched in 1969 by the Ministry of Education and Youth Welfare, Government of India, for undergraduate students to give practical training in Social Service and to familiarize them with the needs and problems of the society. The College has Army and Naval Wings of National Cadet Corps (N.C.C.).
Guidelines for Abstract Submission:
Participants can send their Abstracts on any of the Sub-themes of the Conference.
Format of Abstract:
Abstract must include the following-
i) Title of the Paper (Times New Roman font with 14 font size)
ii) Author name(s), mention the corresponding author by an asterisk (*), Designation, Affiliation and E-mail id.
iii) Abstract should be in English Language, Times New Roman font with 12 font size.
iv) Word limits: 300 words including keywords.
v) Abstract should have atleast 05 keywords.
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Dates-
- Last Date for Abstract submission: 20.09.2024
- Communication of the Acceptance of Abstracts: 25.09.2024
Registration Dates-
- Registration Opens: 10.05.2024
- Last Date for Registration: 20.09.2024
Oral & Symposium Presentations:
Abstracts submitted by the partcipants will be screened and shortlisted by the Scientific Committee.
Decisions on acceptance of abstracts will be communicated to participants by IMHRC Secretariat through email no later than 25th September 2024.
Participants whose abstract has been accepted, will receive a separate email with guidelines for PPT and oral presentations.
Note: All the Author(s) and Co-author(s) have to register in order to get the Certificate.
Guidelines for Poster Presentation:
Poster Submission Deadline: 25 September, 2024
The Poster must have following details:
- Title of Poster
- Author Name(s), Designation & Affiliation
- Poster should be written in the Hindi/English Language, Times New Roman, APA Format 7th Edition
Content of the poster:
- Background, Methods, Results & Conclusion.
Poster Size:
- For presentation in physical mode, the Poster should be 36″ tall x 48″ wide.
- For presentation in virtual mode, the poster should be created as as one slide in PowerPoint.
Research and Presentation Awards:
1) Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Award for Excellence in Research
₹ 2500 Cash Prize
2) Dr. Kalbe Sadiq Award for Outstanding Research
₹ 2100 Cash Prize
3) Shahida Khatoon Memorial Award for Best Research:
₹ 2000 Cash Prize
4) Prof. Mahdi Hasan Award for Best Research Presentation
(Theme based): ₹ 1500 Cash Prize
5) Dr. Agha Hadi Masih Award for Best Research Presentation
(Theme based): ₹ 1500 Cash Prize
6) Nadeem Azam Memorial Award for Emerging Researcher
₹ 1500 Cash Prize
7) Sushobhit Yadav Young Clinical Psychologist Award
(age limit 35 years): ₹ 1500 Cash Prize
Eligibility for Awards:
1) Abstract and Full Paper alongwith all the mentioned attachments should be submitted to the onference secretariat on the email id: [email protected] latest by 05:00 PM on 20/09/2024.
2) Mention the ‘category of award’ for which application is being submitted.
3) Attach a ‘cover letter’ mentioning nature of research, its applicability, relevance and justification for consideration for the award.
4) Attach ‘updated brief profile’ of all the participants of research work.
5) All the Authors/Participants must be registered for the Conference.
Conference Registration Fee

Participants having IMHRC Fellowship are eligible for 10% concession in registration fee.
Conference Fee payment
Account Name:
Indian Mental Health and Research Centre (IMHARC)
Current Account Number: 50200036376324
Bank: HDFC Bank
Branch: Malhaur Branch, Lucknow
IFSC: HDFC0009128

Pre Conference Workshop 1
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
The Application for Personal & Professional Growth
Resource Person: Dr. Geeta Singh
Date: 04.10.2024; Time: 10:00 AM – 01:00 PM
Pre Conference Workshop 2
Resource Person: Preeti Pandey
Date: 04.10.2024; Time: 02:00 PM – 05:00 PM